Deploying Meteor: Scripting around mup - part one

Sep 10, 2015 00:00 · 532 words · 3 minute read

Hopefully you’ve come across Meteor Up and one of the bajillion awesome resources about getting started with the tool. It’s much needed and makes life pretty easy in deployment-land. In the ideal situation deployment would happen through a CI system, but we’ll work up to that.

Here are a few possible issues that can crop up when deploying with standard mup:

  • Not including private packages that aren’t available from the packages directory
  • Settings and mup.json files may be encrypted in your repo, and not available unencrypted
  • Deploying from a different ref than the appropriate one
  • Deploying dependent packages from a different ref than the appropriate one
  • Accidentally including uncommitted changes in the deployment (guilty)

Unfortunately, mup doesn’t check for any of these potential issues during operation. Arguably these are all problems with process, and also arguably it’s not within mup’s scope. No process is perfect however, and in small, highly agile teams sometimes you need to jump between different concerns in the same codebase.

Let’s start scripting around mup to correct our flawed processes (and process management), and make a better effort to not mess up production.

The simplest thing - solving our private package problem

Some people symlink private, separate packages into the packages/ directory, however I’m not a fan of this method. Instead, I prefer to symlink them to a single directory, and use the PACKAGE_DIRS environment variable to give meteor access to the contents. Here is how it looks:

  ➜  meteor-local-packages  l
  total 24
  drwxr-xr-x   5 andy  staff   170B 27 Aug 13:33 .
  drwxr-xr-x+ 84 andy  staff   2.8K 10 Sep 19:17 ..
  lrwxr-xr-x   1 andy  staff    43B 20 Aug 09:59 astronomy-status-behavior -> /Users/andy/repos/astronomy-status-behavior
  lrwxr-xr-x   1 andy  staff    27B 20 Aug 11:36 schema -> /Users/andy/repos/schema

And we can use it like so:

PACKAGE_DIRS=~/meteor-local-packages mup deploy

How about we chuck that into a script.


PACKAGE_DIRS=~/meteor-local-packages mup deploy

Woot! Job done.

Adding settings files

Next stage - let’s dynamically add our settings.json and mup.json files.

For me, these files are GPG encrypted with the keys for all the members of the development team, and committed to the repo. Let’s surround our deployment script with some decryption and cleanup code.

gpg -d settings.json.gpg > settings.json
gpg -d mup.json.gpg > mup.json
PACKAGE_DIRS=~/meteor-local-packages mup deploy
rm settings.json
rm mup.json

Great! Now we can keep the things we need secured secure, and let the security happen invisibly.

Hang on, but what if while we’re developing we’re running a local meteor server (and hence requiring the settings.json file)?

Let’s move it out of the way.

function decrypt_settings {
  files=(mup.json settings.json)
  for file in ${files[@]}
    if [ -e "$file" ]
      mv $file "$file".bak
    gpg -d "$file".gpg > $file

function cleanup {
  files=(mup.json settings.json)
  for file in ${files[@]}
    rm $file
    if [ -e "${file}.bak" ]
      mv "$file".bak $file

PACKAGE_DIRS=~/meteor-local-packages mup deploy

Excellent, now my local meteor server config won’t be affected when I deploy. We should be putting our settings files into different environment directories, but this will do for now.

In the next part we’ll dive into the status of each repo to make sure we’re bundling the correct version/s of the code.

Happy deploying!

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